Jojo D'Amore, R.I.P.


A fine actor and a friend of mine, Jojo D'Amore, passed away September 24 from emphysema and cancer. You may have seen Jojo in one of several documentaries about his old friend, Lenny Bruce, who got him into a career as a thespian and standup comedian. Jojo's background was in trucking and he later filled in the downtimes in his performing career by operating a limousine service. A number of folks reading this site will see this and go, "Oh, that's the guy who drove me around when I asked Evanier to recommend a limo company."

Jojo appeared in a number of movies, starting with The Doberman Gang. His most recent role was on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

A nice, talented man. My sympathies to Michele (his life partner) and Brandon (his son).