Saturday Morning

I have a mess o' messages in my e-mailbox about the Gulf Coast tragedy. I also have a deadline this weekend so I've decided not to dwell on the sad (but getting better) situation down there…

…though before I refocus my attentions, I should mention this: Most of the mail seems to be arguing that there is racism aplenty involved in the rescuing or lack thereof. Many have forwarded me the example of two news photos, one of blacks carrying food and one of white people doing so. The latter was described as "finding" supplies and the former as "looting." If the same person had written both captions, I might agree it showed racism…though only of that caption-writer, not of the entire relief operation. But the photos seem to have come from different sources and anyway, it's a big leap from one insensitive reporter to the notion that someone heading up the rescue operation is saying, "Let's help the white people first."

Okay, I'm going to post today's Blondie update and then you may not hear from me for a while…