Wednesday Morning

I think I'm going into one of my "don't read the news for a while" periods. There are a lot of tragedies and potential tragedies out there and at some point yesterday — well, I can tell you when it was; it was ten minutes into Keith Olbermann's report on hurricane devastation — something in me just said, "Enough." I understand how bad it is and have done the microscopic amount that I can do to help. Time to start restoring normality in my own life where I just might be able to make a difference. Eventually, maybe as soon as tonight, there will be something on this weblog besides Blondie links and me mumbling about what I've been mumbling about.

Thanks for putting up with my foul mood. And thanks to all of you who've dropped me notes to say that you've sent cash to Operation USA. Made you feel a little better, didn't it? Yeah, me too.