Science Marches On

I haven't mentioned it here lately but the Reach Access Daily Flosser is still the greatest scientific breakthrough of the last few centuries. Others may try to tell you that honor belongs to the personal computer, the airplane or even the decoding of the human genome. These people are damn idiots. It's the Reach Access Daily Flosser, I tell you.

Hey, which is more important? Wiping out all disease and suffering or getting those little bits of food out from between your back teeth? I rest my case.

I do not own stock or any other financial interest in the Reach Access Daily Flosser. I just think it's a wonderful thing and I am grateful that technology has advanced to the point where this was possible. I mean, I'm sure that for the first fifty years of my life, it was scientifically impossible to make a stick with a little piece of dental floss on the end. In any case, I'm glad someone finally did.

You can stock up on Reach Access Daily Flossers at any market or drugstore, or you can get a free one sent to you at this site. I'd recommend laying in a big supply…at least three or four for every tooth.