Comics Crossover

The Blondie newspaper strip will be 75 years old on September 8. To celebrate, members of her clan are paying visits to other strips to invite their characters to a big party. The festivities start today and depending on my mood, I may or may not provide links to all the strips involved, which lead up to an appearance in the feature by George W. and Laura Bush on September 4. If Cindy Sheehan is still camped out in Crawford on that date, we will probably hear remarks that Bush is too busy to meet with the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq but he has plenty of time to visit Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead.

In any case, because I promised Len Wein I'd dig up this information, here's the current schedule of crossover strips…

  • Saturday, August 20: Garfield, Rose is Rose
  • Sunday, August 21: B.C.
  • Monday, August 22: Mutts
  • Tuesday, August 23: Beetle Bailey, Mother Goose and Grimm
  • Wednesday, August 24: The Family Circus
  • Saturday, August 27: Hi and Lois
  • Sunday, August 28: For Better or For Worse, Sally Forth
  • Wednesday, August 31: The Family Circus
  • Friday, September 2: The Lockhorns
  • Saturday, September 3: Dennis the Menace
  • August 29-September 3: Curtis
  • August 29-September 4: Hagar the Horrible
  • Dates Unknown: Zits, Wizard of Id, Gasoline Alley, Dick Tracy, Bizarro