Odds and Ends

Let's play Catch-Up on items posted here lately…

  • No, I do not know of any firm plans for memorial services for Pat McCormick, Danny Simon or Gary Belkin, though I am told there will be public events at least for Pat and Gary. If you knew these gents and want to be kept informed, drop me a note. Or if you hear about plans before I do, inform me.
  • I am told by several of you that Theodore Geisel once pronounced his middle name as "soice" but that, in at least one bio of him, it says he gave up and went for the more common pronounciation of Dr. Seuss. Okay. But my point is that if even he was pronouncing it that way by 1958, there was nothing wrong with us pronouncing it that way in the sixties and later. Also, of course, just because your middle name is pronounced one way doesn't mean you have to pronounce your similarly-spelled pen name the same way. Especially when you're making a lot of money off folks who pronounce it "soose."
  • Apparently, I did proofread that interview that ran in Back Issue before publication and corrected all the errors. The problem was that the wrong draft was sent to the publisher. Oh, well.
  • I am receiving a lot of volunteers for my Kirby Book Research Project, some of whom apparently think they're signing up to proofread the book. No…what I need is folks who can dig up old issue numbers and data for me. Proofreading will come much later.
  • Lots of messages about your own experiences with telemarketers and phone survey takers. Yes, I did sign up for the National Do Not Call Registry. Yes, I still get a lot of unwanted telemarketing calls.

I'm way behind again in answering e-mail. Please forgive. And if you can't forgive, at least try to forget.