Reset the TiVo!

For reasons that defy all concepts of wisdom, logic and human understanding, the vintage game shows run on GSN in the wee, small hours of the morning are no longer identified by TiVo as What's My Line?, To Tell the Truth and so on. Perhaps this is temporary but if you want to record these programs, you need to take a Season Pass to Black-and-White Overnight, which is how they're listed as of today. As far as I know, what's airing hasn't changed…merely the way it's listed on TiVo.

I think tonight's What's My Line? (that is, the one that airs early Tuesday morning) is one with Lena Horne as the Mystery Guest. Then the Wednesday morning one, if it's the one I think it is, is kinda interesting. Jack Paar is the Mystery Guest but before him, the panel has to guess the occupation of Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, who were songwriters for — among other notable folks — Elvis Presley. Last time this one aired, I wrote this message about it.

In the meantime, the new channel fronted by Al Gore called "Current" is coming through on my satellite on station 366, though the satellite still thinks this is NewsWorld International or whatever used to be there. Based on the last half hour or so, humans may not notice it there either, since the material on Current seems to be anything but current. So far, it's a lot of disconnected videos about lifestyles and couples shopping together. On the other hand, I don't think there's been a new cable channel that didn't suck for its first few months so I'm guessing things will change a lot.