Tap Your Troubles Away

You almost have to feel sorry for Presidential Press Secretaries. At some point, every one of them has to go out and face the press corps and steadfastly not answer direct questions about something that would be embarrassing to their administration…and might even help get someone indicted. Scott McClellan, who fields queries for G.W. Bush, has had a relatively easy time of it since the White House reporters all sound like they're on the Fox payroll, even when they're not. But on the current matter of Karl Rove and all the inoperative, contradictory statements and denials, the press corps has suddenly shown a wee bit of fang. Take a moment and read today's exchange, at least the first part.

Note that in Mr. McClellan's language, the phrase "I appreciate the question" can be roughly translated as "Watch me try to tap-dance my way around this one."

And don't you wish the press had been half this vigorous pursuing questions relating to…oh, maybe yellow cake uranium or Weapons of Mass Destruction or people being tortured at Gitmo or something that results in human beings, many of them Americans, dying?