Tuesday Afternoon

A rushed day, running around to doctors with my mother…who's doing much better, thank you. Here are a few loose ends and updates…

Thanks to all those who sent donations after my little appeal the other day. When I get some time (ha!), I'm going to try and set up a little private "extra" area on this site for folks who've contributed to its upkeep, and all of you will be included.

I am told that Chita Rivera did cuss (the "s" word) on the Tony Awards when she accidentally killed John Kander. I assumed she hadn't because there was no audience reaction, but I guess Broadway audiences don't really care much. Also, several folks have written me that Nathan Lane's shaven dome was because of the recently-shot prison sequence for the end of the movie of The Producers. (And boy, I wish they wouldn't call it that. It'll just confuse people. I don't know how many times I've seen some home video ad or purchase that mixed up the non-musical version of Little Shop of Horrors and the musical one directed by Frank Oz. If I were the guy in charge, the movie version of the musical of The Producers would be called Springtime for Hitler with "The Producers" in a sub-title.

I have, alas, confirmed the death of comic book writer and cartoonist John Albano. I'll try to post a more formal obit later today.

And I'm sorry to hear of the passing of a very classy lady named Anne Bancroft. I can't say that I knew her well but the few times I was around her, she seemed just as delightful in person as you'd expect. And she and Mel sure made a fine, loving couple.