The weekend late night Saturday Night Live reruns have begun jumping around from season to season again. Last week, they had one with Charlton Heston from the 1993-1994 season. This weekend, they hop back to the tenth season, which was the one with Billy Crystal, Martin Short, Christopher Guest and (briefly) Harry Shearer. The scheduled episode is from 11/17/84 with guest host Ed Asner. I seem to vaguely recall that Bill Murray was originally announced to topline that episode but that at the last minute, Mr. Asner appeared. The musical guest was The Kinks and the most memorable sketch was the 60 Minutes parody where Shearer did his uncanny replica of Mike Wallace looking into a potential scandal in the area of novelties and party tricks. Martin Short played a nervous lawyer named Nathan Thurm.
The following weekend, the scheduled rerun is Show #4 from 11/8/75 with Candice Bergen. This was the episode a lot of folks around NBC thought was the first real good one — so much so that some of the network execs wanted to sign Ms. Bergen as permanent star of the series. The show included the first "land shark" sketch and a very funny film by Albert Brooks previewing alleged new NBC shows. Also, Andy Kaufman did his "foreign man" character doing bad impressions. It's probably worth TiVoing just for those three segments.