Highly Recommended Reading

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post says that…well, here. I'll quote one key paragraph…

Partisans on the left and right have formed cottage industries devoted to discrediting what they dismissively call the "mainstream media" — the networks, daily newspapers and newsmagazines. Their goal: to steer readers and viewers toward ideologically driven outlets that will confirm their own views and protect them from disagreeable facts. In an increasingly fragmented media world, ideologues have already devolved into parallel universes, in which liberals and conservatives can select talk radio hosts, cable news pundits and blogs that share their prejudices.

An excellent article it is…but I think Milbank misses one key point. It's that a large part of the press, in a misguided quest to attract more customers, has abdicated their responsibility to print things that some might consider "disagreeable facts." I do think he's right though that too many people are now seeking out "news" that will spin reality their way. If you think otherwise, read a wide range of stories on the Terri Schiavo matter. It's almost like the Liberal and Conservative sites are talking about two separate cases.

Speaking of which: I have now decided that there's something lower than being in a Persistent Vegetative State. It's being in a Persistent Vegetative State and having Tom DeLay watching out for your interests.