I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this. It's a video (a QuickTime file, by the way) of a new Volkswagen commercial that looks like Gene Kelly doing the famous "Singin' in the Rain" number, only now he's doing modern steps not unlike breakdancing, and he's selling Volkswagens. The ad makers skillfully re-created the original set and found a dancer built like Kelly. As I understand it, he's wearing a Gene Kelly mask in the long shots and then, on the close-ups, they've digitally inserted Mr. Kelly's face.
I guess I find the thing kind of creepy. Once you're conscious of what they've done, it doesn't look like Gene Kelly dancing. It looks like another guy's dancing and the ghost of Gene Kelly is trapped in his body, trying desperately to get out.
From an ethical standpoint, if it's fine with Kelly's widow (she gave permission, presumably for a nice sum of cash), I guess it oughta be fine with us. Still, I can't help but wonder if Mr. Kelly wouldn't be bothered, not by the fact that he's posthumously selling Volkswagens but because someone else's dancing is being represented as his.