Our pal Harry McCracken has filled a shameful void on the Internet by erecting Scrappyland, the best place to learn about the long-forgotten (by most) Charles Mintz/Columbia cartoon character. It's also just about the only place but, hey, you gotta start somewhere. You sure can't go out and watch a lot of Scrappy cartoons, as the output of that particular studio isn't exactly exhibited with any frequency. One of these days, the boys at Sony will wise up and release piles of DVDs but right now, you're going to have to be content with Harry's site, plus artifacts like the Big Little Book cover at left and the poster at right. (You can see a much bigger version of said poster by clicking on it. Go ahead. Try it.) I don't quite share Harry's enthusiasm for the cartoons but they're quite watchable and it's a shame that anything like that is not available.