Early Wednesday Evening

Hello, everyone. The computer is fixed (thanks, Bill) but I'm way behind on things, so there won't be a lot of postings here the next few days.

A lot of you are sending me long, thoughtful letters about Will Eisner. They are all interesting to read, but please share them with the world by posting them somewhere. The message boards at Newsarama, Comic Book Resources or The Comics Journal would all be good places. And if you're looking for info and other obits, I couldn't possibly assemble a better batch o' links than Tom Spurgeon has.

(Well, I will mention one: Shane Shellenbarger sent this link to an hour of streaming video of Will lecturing at some sort of Library of Congress function about graphic novels.)

My apologies to all those who've written lately, only to have your e-mails languish in a folder on my hard drive. I'll get to as many of them as possible in the next few days.