Still More Abner Stuff

Hey, remember that awful 1940 Li'l Abner movie I keep mentioning here? The one you can buy on DVD for a buck in some stores? Well, you can get it even cheaper than that. Over at, where they offer a lot of public domain stuff for download, you can get it for free…which is still overpaying, as far as I'm concerned. Here's a link to the download page where it's available in an array of formats. (Don't be surprised, by the way, if this site is difficult to reach. It gets a lot of traffic and is often overloaded.) Thanks to William Stiteler for tipping me off.

By the way, I just noticed one more bit of dishonesty about the Digiview Li'l Abner DVD. As reported by Jim Bahler, the cover says the film on the DVD not only features stars who aren't on it but says it's 114 minutes in black-and-white. The 1959 color version was 114 minutes but the 1940 version, the one on that DVD, is 78 minutes. This suggests to me that the folks at Digiview didn't even bother watching the entirety of the movie they were selling. They just sent someone to the Internet Movie Database to look up its length, and that person got the wrong Li'l Abner movie. Maybe that also explains why they billboarded the wrong stars, though that smells like a less innocent mistake to me.