The power wound up going out here two more times last night after I posted the previous message. I think the crisis is over but I haven't yet been bold enough to go around and reset clocks and VCR timers.
Several folks have written to inform me that their local Walmart (or other retail outlet) has "the Li'l Abner DVD" for sale, perhaps for a dollar or so. This is almost certainly a DVD of the 1940 Li'l Abner black-and-white non-musical movie, not the 1959 color movie musical. I was never able to make it through the '40 version but for a buck, you might want to take a crack at it.
In his latest round of Tony Polls, my pal Tony Isabella asked his constituents to rate various comic books and people as "naughty" or "nice." I was judged overwhelmingly nice, which I guess is a compliment. In any case, fond birthday wishes to Mr. Isabella, and since I'm so nice, I guess I can't add in some quasi-friendly cheapshot insult. Drat the luck.
Busy day ahead. I'll try to post something later. That's assuming I have electricity.