Speaking of the First Amendment, as I think I just was, The Sundance Channel has a nice film festival going on lately. It's called "The First Amendment Project" and it's a series of films about the lead-off clause in the Bill of Rights. At the moment, I'm watching and enjoying No Joking, a too-short-but-sweet documentary by Bob Balaban (right…the guy who used to make his living playing Warren Littlefield) about Lenny Bruce and The Smothers Brothers and other comedians who got in trouble for saying things. Among those who bat around the topic are Eric Bogosian, Richard Dreyfuss, Ed Begley Jr…and Jules Feiffer, whose name is unfortunately misspelled when they superimpose it. (My TiVo listing also says Mort Sahl and Janeane Garofolo are supposed to be in it but I didn't see them.) Still, it's a nice little look at the topic and it airs again later today and tomorrow. Well worth a tune-in, especially if you're one of the ninety people in America who get The Sundance Channel.