Fred Sales in the Sunset

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Above, we see two versions of the cover of Daredevil #37 — and don't worry if they're too small. They enlarge if you'll only click on them.

At left is the cover as it appeared on the comic book I purchased off the stands, lo these many years ago. It was expertly drawn by Gene Colan and Frank Giacoia, two fine craftsmen.

At right is the cover as reinterpreted by Fred Hembeck, who has been filling comic books and comic book fanzines with his wonderful, enthusiastic cartooning for a few decades. I can't decide if I prefer when he takes a serious cover and makes it silly, or when he takes a silly cover like this one and makes it even sillier.

You probably cannot afford to purchase the original to a piece of art as fine as the Colan/Giacoia version. But if you scurry over to Fred's website and especially to this page, you can perhaps afford to buy the original to one of his wonderful re-creations…and for a lot less money than you'll pay if you wait a few years. Don't say I didn't warn you.