Over the last year or so, I became unhappy with my cellphone, which was a Sony Ericsson 310. Sound was okay but controls were clunky and I couldn't hook it up to my computer and transfer my phonebook into it, nor did there seem to be a good car kit so I could use it hands-free while driving. (I've become increasingly fed up with drivers who steer with one hand while holding a phone to their ear, and I don't want to be one.) My contract with Cingular doesn't entitle me to a free phone switch for another year so I finally decided to just buy a new phone, and I picked out the Motorola V-400. So far, it looks like I chose wisely. Sound is great, the screen is quite readable, controls are simple and I can hook it up to my computer via a USB cable and transfer phone numbers and photos. (It has a built-in camera.) Yesterday, a nice man came to my house and installed the kit that lets me use it in the car and…well, it's all working quite well. There's a new, probably-superior Motorola model (the RAZR V8) just coming out but I figured if I waited for it…then by that time, there'd be an even better model about to come out and I'd wait for it. And then when it became available, there'd be another, much-better model on the horizon and…well, you know how this works. At some point, you just have to make your selection, buy it and be content that you made the best possible choice…this week.