Did John Kerry fib about spending Christmas Eve in Cambodia a few decades ago? Since I think all politicians utter the occasional untruth, it wouldn't be a big deal to me if he did lie, particularly about something so relatively unimportant. I certainly can't understand someone getting worked up over that but giving George W. Bush a pass on some of the whoppers he's tossed our way.
However, if it does matter to you whether or not Kerry's anecdote is absolutely accurate…well, here on the news from me page, we like to break precedent on the Internet and showcase two sides to a controversy. Even a small controversy. Here's an article that says Kerry's account doesn't hold up to scrutiny and here's an article that says it does. What I find interesting about the two pieces is not what they say about John F. Kerry but what they tell us about how two apparently bright men could research the same event and come to such different conclusions.