Old Business

Let me correct a bit of awkward phrasing on my part. A few messages ago, writing about the Wondercon in San Francisco, I wrote…

Though operated by the same crew that runs Comic-Con International, it also lacks the overwhelming quality that disturbs some about its big brother.

Bad way to put it. I meant that the Comic-Con International has the quality of being overwhelming, not that the Wondercon lacks quality. The Wondercon is a great convention. I was just trying to say that it has the same operators but is not as overwhelming. Sorry.

Also, I just amended the previous post to clarify that Kim Campbell is the former Prime Minister of Canada, not the current one. Thanks to Michael Ryan for this catch and for also joining the chorus of those asking about my "overwhelming" error.

I also fixed the spelling of the surname of Congressman David Dreier. (This one, I caught myself.) I got the errant spelling off the HBO page for Real Time but should have double-checked.

In other news, you can all breathe a sigh of relief. My TiVos are communicating again.