Odd Advertising

Here's a link to the online video for a new Bush-Cheney commercial. The premise is that the folks who oppose George W. Bush are wild-eyed and crazy and angry…and I can't imagine why the Bush folks thought this would get them votes. I mean, yeah, the clip of Michael Moore at the Oscars makes him look rude and rabble-rousing. But at a time when Americans increasingly believe there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction and no Saddam-Osama partnership, I think the reaction to Moore saying the war was for "fictitious reasons" [sic] will be more along the lines of, "Gee, maybe that guy wasn't as wrong as we thought at the time."

The thing that puzzles me about this ad is that it's not really anti-Kerry. Yeah, they have him in there…but they can't seriously believe they're going to convince America that boring ol' John Kerry is a wild-eyed radical crazy. They'd be better off going the other direction, trying to sell the notion that Kerry lacks the fire and passion to be Prez. This is really an attack not on the opposition candidate but on the more vocal folks who say George W. Bush has been a bad president. I can't think of any other incumbent who has ever spent money on that kind of spot.