Getting Organized

A reader of this website who asks to remain nameless writes…

You must have a lot of communications material, for lack of a better word or phrase. You might not use all of the means I can think of — e-mail, bulletin boards, chat groups, IRC, IM, Usenet newsgroups, phone calls — but you certainly use many of them, and extensively at that, in addition to your own personal notes. So my question is, how do you keep all of your correspondence organized? All in software, or partially on paper? Of the software you use, have you found anything especially useful (searching, linking, etc.)?

Well, I'm not all that organized. I have loads of backlogged, unanswered e-mail and occasionally manage to lose a chunk of it. But the best thing I've found in that area is a program called Agent, which is what I use for e-mail and newsgroups. I do not use the current version of Agent, which is 2.0 plus some fraction. I tried it, didn't like it and went back to the pay version of 1.93, which can still be found on the Agent website. I think but am not sure that you can still pay for a license to upgrade the free, limited version of 1.93 to the commercial, full-featured version. Anyway, that's what I use.

But the key thing that helps me is multiple e-mail addresses. I own the domain "" and that means I can set up endless addresses. If you have (for example), then you can do this. You have your main e-mail go to You have your mailing list stuff (mailings you sign up for) go to You have your phone bill go to, your banking correspondence to and so on. This gives you enormous flexibility about how to file incoming e-mail. There's an easy way to set Agent up for multiple installations so you can have one icon on your desktop that will check one address, one icon that will check all your bill-related addresses, one that will check all your mailing list mail, etc. Then within Agent, you can set up filters to put all your phone bill-related mail in one folder, all the mail to your banking address in another and so forth. This puts you in charge of your e-mail and how it's filed. It's been enormously helpful for me.

As for other means of communication: I keep addresses and such in Microsoft Outlook. I handle phone calls the normal way except that when I'm out, I often put my home phone number on call forwarding to my cell phone. This is enormously liberating in that anyone can reach me, assuming I want them to reach me. Otherwise, I keep notes and my list of calls to return either on my little Pocket PC (an HP Jornada) or on little scraps of paper stuffed in my pocket. I'm still experimenting with different programs that manage miscellaneous data. Anyone here like or dislike Microsoft OneNote?

I wish I were better organized than I am. I'm waiting for the day when I have a combination palmtop and cell phone. There are some out now but my friends who know more about these things than I do keep telling me to wait; that there are vastly more superior models on the horizon. Someday soon, I expect to be running my entire life on one such machine, including the posting of messages here. Can't wait.

Moore Questions

Michael Moore is now saying things that lead one to believe that the "scandal" about Disney blocking release of his film was something of a publicity stunt. If this is true, I've lost yet another layer of respect for the guy.

Today's Political Rants

I only saw a little of Rumsfeld's testimony this morning but it struck me that he thinks (and apparently, others think) that being in the dark about something is an acceptable excuse for those in positions of ostensible leadership. If you didn't know about something, even if it's because you never got around to reading those reports you should have, that's okay. I wish people were more demanding in this country when it comes to people in power actually knowing what's going on in their departments and divisions. Rumsfeld and his supporters seem to think "I didn't know what was going on" is a reason he shouldn't be fired. I think it's a dandy reason to fire anyone in such a sensitive, important position.

I'm also tired of what I call the non-acceptance acceptance of responsibility, a move popularized by Ronald Reagan during the Iran-Contra flap. That's when you try to make it crystal clear that it wasn't your fault; that others did it and not you…and then you try to demonstrate leadership and manliness by saying, "I accept the responsibility." This is an irresponsible way of defining "responsibility."

End of today's rants. I have to go meet some folks for lunch.

Recommended Reading

Over on the Time Magazine website, Richard Corliss is doing some excellent articles about EC Comics. This one is about the horror era and this one is about Harvey Kurtzman and MAD.

I agree with most of what's in these two articles though I have a higher opinion of MAD as edited by Al Feldstein than Mr. Corliss does. Recently in an EC e-mail discussion group, another writer was comparing and contrasting the Kurtzman MAD with the one edited quite lucratively by his successor. I said that I never saw the point in such a contest. For all creative concerns, they were two different magazines with little more in common than the name, the parent company and the fact that Wally Wood drew for both for a while. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that so many historians are so understandably in love with the Kurtzman MAD (and knew it first) that they have a hard time seeing the joys of the magazine that replaced it when Kurtzman departed. I love 'em both and don't see why I have to choose…or belittle one in order to sing the praises of the other. It is also perhaps worth noting that Kurtzman and Feldstein weren't even trying to do the same magazine or to do it the same way…and that fondness for either has a lot to do with when you started reading and which pop culture references were yours.

Recommended Reading

I agree with this editorial in the Washington Post on why Donald Rumsfeld's policy decisions have led to the current reports of torture and human rights violations by American troops.

Quick Question

George W. Bush says he has no intention of firing Donald Rumsfeld. He seems to have no interest in firing George Tenet or Paul Wolfowitz, and I think we still have Ahmed Chalabi on the payroll.

Is there anything you can do in this administration that will get you fired? I mean, besides tell the American public and Congress what things are really going to cost?

Aging in the Alley

Yes, as several people have pointed out to me, there's an older man who lost his wife in the comic strip, For Better or For Worse. Forgot about him…but it's still an interesting "character situation" for Walt Wallet of Gasoline Alley. Uncle Walt was getting somewhat disoriented in the strip and seemed to be having trouble taking care of himself. It could make for a very nice continuity if he learns how to cope with the loss of his mate.

Someone wrote me that he's 105 years old and ought to be shuffling off this mortal coil. Yeah, but 105 isn't 105 in a comic strip unless the cartoonist says so. It's just something we accept and the fact that the characters in Gasoline Alley once aged doesn't mean they have to age, or have to age at any pace other than that dictated by the guy doing the strip. You see that at work in the new Peanuts collection, displaying that strip's early years. Lucy started out as a baby compared to Charlie Brown, then grew up to approximately the same age. Linus was then introduced as a tot and grew up to almost the same age, and Snoopy was originally a pup. Everyone's ages "froze" when Schulz got them where he felt comfortable with them. Would that we could all make the same decision about ourselves and everyone around us.

Daybreak Dave

The episode of The Late Show With David Letterman that airs the evening of Friday, May 14 will be taped earlier that day…much earlier. For some odd reason, Dave is taping at 4:00 in the morning.

Recipe for Disaster

The situation in Iraq with regard to torture is so ghastly that even George W. Bush, a man not known for ever saying he's sorry about anything, this morning said he was sorry about something. Could it get any worse over there in terms of the U.S. being perceived as trampling the basic human rights that we are supposedly there to uphold? Well, sure it can get worse. We're sending John Negroponte over as our new ambassador. Take a look at what he did for the U.S. in Honduras and ask yourself if there's a worse choice for the job.

Fred Guardineer, R.I.P.

This obit is a little late but I have just learned that one of the first comic book artists, Fred Guardineer, passed away on September 13, 2002 a month shy of what would have been his 89th birthday. Guardineer was best known for the character of Zatara the Magician, a rather close knock-off of Lee Falk's Mandrake the Magician…and Guardineer didn't stop there. He did a couple other similar magician characters for other publishers, most of whom also looked like Mandrake. Fred was born in Albany, New York on October 3, 1913 and acquired a fine arts degree in 1935, by which time he was already doing illustrations for a number of New York-based pulp magazines. In 1936, he went to work for the shop of Harry "A" Chesler, whose studio was producing stories and artwork for some of the earliest comic book publishers (his main strip was a thing called Dan Hastings).

Shortly after, he began freelancing for Centaur and also for DC Comics where he did Zatara, Speed Saunders and Pep Morgan, as well as many striking covers. He drew for other companies including Marvel, ME, Hillman and Lev Gleason, often whipping out Zatara clones like Tor the Magic Master, which he did for Quality. When the industry hit a slump in the mid-fifties, Guardineer decided the time had come to get out and he went to work for the post office.

He remained effectively out of comics the rest of his life but in the sixties, comic historian Jerry DeFuccio (then the associate editor of MAD) tracked him down, interviewed him and became the first of many collectors to pay what Guardineer considered tidy sums to re-create some of his old covers. After a time, Guardineer again lost contact with the comic art community but in 1998, comic fan Dave Siegel located Guardineer in Northern California and got him to attend that year's Comic-Con International in San Diego. I was pleased to have him on two panels, one of which was a gathering of every surviving person who'd had a hand in the creation of the historic Action Comics #1. I also got to present him with the convention's coveted Inkpot Award, which meant a lot to him. Fred was confined to a wheelchair by then but with great effort, he insisted on standing as he made a brief but eloquent acceptance speech. Later, Dave got him to a WonderCon in Oakland and again, Fred had a wonderful time meeting people who treasured his work. A nice man and a good artist…sorry to hear he's no longer with us.

WGA Stuff

The Writers Guild has scheduled an "informational meeting" for next Monday evening at the Sheraton Universal. Since they're holding it there, they obviously expect a pretty large turnout. The rumor mill says that we will have a "final offer" from the Producers by then, one which will include slightly better numbers in the Health Plan category and pretty much nothing in the other key areas. (There may be one of those face-saving, mitigating promises to appoint a committee to study the issue or something of the sort.) If the offer is as bad as some expect, our leaders will probably announce Monday night or before that they intend to seek a strike authorization vote from the membership. Obviously, everyone is hoping it doesn't come to that.

Writers Guild strikes — I've lived through many — are unusual critters. They bring together, at least in theory, a lot of disparate folks with widely different careers. Suddenly, a guy with one or two small sales is going to war alongside screenwriters who make two million per picture and TV producers who make that much a month.

Folks in both categories think they are the ones making the supreme sacrifice in a work stoppage. The writers who aren't working much are inclined to say…

We're the ones suffering in this strike. I desperately needed that job I might have gotten next week. The rich writers aren't suffering. They have millions in the bank. They're receiving residuals. They can fly off to Europe and have a nice vacation or write a novel or a spec script, confident they'll have work the minute the strike is over. Losing a couple of assignments isn't going to cost them their homes.

At the same time, the folks who work a lot are inclined to say…

We're the ones suffering in this strike. We're the ones walking off real jobs, having real projects cancelled. We're the ones the studios are furious at for not crossing the picket lines. The guys who aren't working usually have other sources of income. They're not losing anything by being on strike for three months because they weren't likely to be working those three months, anyway.

Each of those positions is true up to the point where it denies the other. Everyone does suffer and of course, there are the ancillary pains of production assistants who are laid off, crews who don't work when shows are shut down, businesses that don't do business, etc. My gut feeling is that while no one ever really wants a strike, both sides in the current negotiation are even more horrified than usual at the prospect of one. On the other hand, the details we know of that negotiation suggest logically that we're heading in that direction. The Guild cannot allow its Health Plan to be whittled down to the point where all it gives its members is a couple of band-aids and a medium sized bottle of Bactine. My guess here is that the Producers have made their lowball offer in this area for strategic reasons. They figure that just as we're poised to strike, a slight improvement in the Health Plan offer will be so meaningful that we'll forget about the other areas.

That strategy, assuming it's the strategy, might work. Then again, the claim that they can't pay another nickel on DVD revenues is so bogus that the Guild just might walk over that one. We'll see…

Moore Musing

Okay, Michael Moore is complaining that Disney is trying to block distribution of his new movie about the Bush family. Does anyone anywhere think that this movie won't get released by someone? Or that this controversy won't help it at the box office?

Found Wallet

No "spoiler" warning. By now, if you care about the Gasoline Alley newspaper strip, you're aware that Uncle Walt is alive and has attended the funeral of his spouse, Phyllis. Some folks on chat boards seem upset at how writer-artist Jim Scancarelli dragged out the reveal of who had died, or just feel baited-and-switched. I found the storyline fascinating. There's also something nice about a strip that has been often dismissed as old-fashioned managing to keep its readership completely off-balance for two weeks. (Some also found the cheery funeral home lady annoying or unrealistic. Given the disposition of the woman I dealt with when my uncle died, I found it a very reasonable characterization.)

So what now? Scancarelli is going to have to deal with the secret of how Skeezix was abandoned 80+ years ago. It's been so well-teased that it now has to be revealed, so I'll presume we're in for a bit of adjustment by Walt and then he'll either find a letter that Phyllis left behind or someone will show up who knows the tale and can tell it to him. I'll predict a multi-week flashback in which Walt and Skeezix learn the truth and I sure hope it's revealed in a way that makes clear Phyllis arranged it and made certain she couldn't carry the secret to her grave.

Which brings us to the question of how long Uncle Walt Wallet will survive his beloved Phyllis. Fans of the strip note that he is logically around 105 years old. This kind of thing has never been an issue in ageless strips like Snuffy Smith or Blondie but Gasoline Alley gained fame as a comic strip in which characters aged in something approximating real time. It was so notable that Harvey Kurtzman even built his legendary MAD parody around that aspect of the strip, so I guess some of us still expect it even though Scancarelli — and Dick Moores before him — obviously slowed the process down considerably. One could certainly make the case that longtime readers of the strip would rather have Walt around than go through the pain of losing him, and Scancarelli may not want to sadden them. (He also may not be calling the shots on this. I think the syndicate owns the strip.)

More to the point, Scancarelli may feel he can get some good story mileage out of Walt as widower, learning to cope without Phyllis. There are older men in this world who find themselves in this situation and I can't recall anyone ever really addressing it before in a newspaper strip. The other day, I thought it would be touching if Walt learned the secret and then passed on to be reunited with Phyllis…but the more I think of it, I like the idea that older people don't have to die when they lose a mate. I've seen a number of cases where one person dies and everyone else is then ready to bury the spouse, assuming his or her days are numbered. (One of the things I admired about the late Julius Schwartz was that he put the lie to all such predictions when his wife died. I think he survived her by around eighteen years. At the time of her death, I don't think any of his friends would have bet on eighteen months.) Not that "what I'd do" matters much but I think that if I were in Scancarelli's place, I'd just decide Walt was in his eighties and keep him around long enough to establish that a person's life needn't be over in such a situation. That might be a lot more valuable than some supposedly more dramatic scenarios.

The WGA in Peace and War

I am back to being highly pessimistic (up from mildly pessimistic) about the current negotiations between the AMPTP and the Writers Guild of America. Today, the WGA put out a couple of announcements that summarize a pretty bad situation and make you wonder what anyone has been talking about in the 'round-the-clock negotiations that have been transpiring the last week or so. For the benefit of those who are wondering what it all means, here's a quick summary as I see it…

The old contract has expired and in addressing the matter of the new contract, the WGA indicated a number of areas wherein it felt there should be improvement. There's a long list of them but the three main ones are…

  • The Health Plan – Health costs are going up and like almost every work-related entity that supplies health insurance to workers, the WGA has found it necessary to reduce benefits and to rewrite its rules so that fewer folks qualify. The WGA Health Plan is facing further downsizing and cutbacks if the Producers do not up their contribution.
  • DVD Money – The market for DVDs is becoming far more lucrative than anyone ever imagined. Writers feel entitled to a slightly larger share of the revenues when shows and movies they authored are released on home video.
  • Expanded Jurisdiction – There are a number of areas where the Guild has little or no representation. Writers of so-called "reality shows" were once covered by the WGA but Producers have done a legal end-run around the old system so that they can have their shows written non-union. The WGA has made some inroads into representing Animation Writers but at many studios, writers are without basic representation. There are a few others, and the Guild wants to expand the areas in which it represents those who write.

There are other issues but I doubt anyone would be talking Strike if those three were addressed in some manner. The offer currently on the table from the Producers offers a modest, insufficient increase in contributions to the Health Plan and nothing whatsoever in the other two. The Guild has countered with an offer to make a one-year deal (as the Screen Actors Guild recently did) instead of the customary three-year pact. The WGA is essentially offering to table its main demands and to discuss them later in the interest of not calling a strike at this time, thereby enabling "the town" (as we lovingly call it) to keep on working.

I'm guessing this is primarily a p.r. offer from our side, made with the idea that if a strike does occur, we'll be able to say, "We were willing to keep everyone working. It was the Producers that forced a strike." I don't think a one-year deal is really in the interests of either side. From our standpoint, you have to ask, "Why would they give us anything we want in one year that they won't give us now?" They would also have a year to prepare for a strike, stockpiling scripts and getting some shows ahead in production. From the Producers' side, a one-year extension would place our renegotiation date close to when the current Screen Actors Guild deal expires (June 30, 2005) and the current Directors Guild contract expires (July 1, 2005). It's hard to imagine they would want to have to juggle all three demanding Health Plan increases and more DVD money at the same time.

What will happen next? Presumably, if the AMPTP bites on our proposed extension, all of this is deferred for a year. It's possible but I doubt it will happen. If they refuse, our Board of Directors will ask the membership for a Strike Authorization vote. I honestly don't know what the mood of the Guild is in this regard. If the Board gets a vote of 80% or above, we might be able to mount a credible strike threat and force the Producers back to the bargaining table with a little more flexibility. If we get a strike vote of 65% or less, we'll either see a short strike or no strike and we'll end up taking the current rotten offer, perhaps with a few minor or cosmetic improvements. A vote between 65% and 80% is more uncertain. I don't know what will happen but like I said, I'm back to Orange Alert on the Pessimism Scale.