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The New York Times ran an editorial the other day that essentially lambasted the Bush administration for believing the Iraq-related info and predictions of Ahmad Chalabi. The editorial is probably on-target except for one teensy detail. Nowhere in it is there some line like…

We know that Bush was taken in by Chalabi because so were we. A spectacular amount of disinformation on Iraq has appeared in the Times because Chalabi fed stories to our reporters and we foolishly printed them. This is not the first time we've fallen for leaks from a supposed insider. We allowed ourselves to be planted with our Whitewater coverage, which was filled to overflowing with bogus "facts" from Clinton's enemies. We did it again with our coverage of the wrongly-accused "spy," Wen Ho Lee. And now we've again let someone eager to feed false information to the world use the Times as his conduit. Remember when we used to stand for something?

Aside from that little omission, it's fine.