Getting Organized

A reader of this website who asks to remain nameless writes…

You must have a lot of communications material, for lack of a better word or phrase. You might not use all of the means I can think of — e-mail, bulletin boards, chat groups, IRC, IM, Usenet newsgroups, phone calls — but you certainly use many of them, and extensively at that, in addition to your own personal notes. So my question is, how do you keep all of your correspondence organized? All in software, or partially on paper? Of the software you use, have you found anything especially useful (searching, linking, etc.)?

Well, I'm not all that organized. I have loads of backlogged, unanswered e-mail and occasionally manage to lose a chunk of it. But the best thing I've found in that area is a program called Agent, which is what I use for e-mail and newsgroups. I do not use the current version of Agent, which is 2.0 plus some fraction. I tried it, didn't like it and went back to the pay version of 1.93, which can still be found on the Agent website. I think but am not sure that you can still pay for a license to upgrade the free, limited version of 1.93 to the commercial, full-featured version. Anyway, that's what I use.

But the key thing that helps me is multiple e-mail addresses. I own the domain "" and that means I can set up endless addresses. If you have (for example), then you can do this. You have your main e-mail go to You have your mailing list stuff (mailings you sign up for) go to You have your phone bill go to, your banking correspondence to and so on. This gives you enormous flexibility about how to file incoming e-mail. There's an easy way to set Agent up for multiple installations so you can have one icon on your desktop that will check one address, one icon that will check all your bill-related addresses, one that will check all your mailing list mail, etc. Then within Agent, you can set up filters to put all your phone bill-related mail in one folder, all the mail to your banking address in another and so forth. This puts you in charge of your e-mail and how it's filed. It's been enormously helpful for me.

As for other means of communication: I keep addresses and such in Microsoft Outlook. I handle phone calls the normal way except that when I'm out, I often put my home phone number on call forwarding to my cell phone. This is enormously liberating in that anyone can reach me, assuming I want them to reach me. Otherwise, I keep notes and my list of calls to return either on my little Pocket PC (an HP Jornada) or on little scraps of paper stuffed in my pocket. I'm still experimenting with different programs that manage miscellaneous data. Anyone here like or dislike Microsoft OneNote?

I wish I were better organized than I am. I'm waiting for the day when I have a combination palmtop and cell phone. There are some out now but my friends who know more about these things than I do keep telling me to wait; that there are vastly more superior models on the horizon. Someday soon, I expect to be running my entire life on one such machine, including the posting of messages here. Can't wait.