Doctor Winch

Hey, I just listened to a great audio interview with one of my heroes, Paul Winchell. It's about 15 minutes and you have to have RealAudio installed on your computer. You'll find it on this page.

Did I ever tell you about one of the stupidest things I ever said in my life? I was directing the voices for a cartoon show and I cast Paul in two roles in one episode. Now usually, when you have actors doubling in a script, you try to assign the parts so that their characters don't talk a lot to each other…but in this case, it wasn't possible. So I actually turned to the world's greatest ventriloquist, Paul Winchell, and said, "I've got you talking to yourself here for about a page. You think you can handle it?"

Dave Moved

The site with those Letterman clips was overwhelmed with hits. So they're now over here.