Font of Information

I love typography and clever graphic design, and am a fan of many folks who do this kind of thing and do it well. For umpteen years, I've admired the output of a gent named Leslie Cabarga, whose work you've seen in many venues. He's also the world's foremost authority on the Max Fleischer cartoon studio but that's more like an interesting sidelight. Mostly, he does graphics and does them quite well…including but not limited to the kind of thing some folks call "the retro look." I always think that's an odd term since today's retro look is tomorrow's current look and then later on, it will again be a retro look for a while, then current again, etc. Whatever you call it, Leslie's a champ…as you can see over on his website wherein you can purchase some of his books and fonts. And he doesn't seem to have it there yet but I'd highly recommend his new book with the long title, Logo Font & Lettering Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to the Design, Construction and Usage of Alphabets and Symbols. Profusely illustrated (of course), it explains common sense basics in a crisp, logical manner. I've recently come to know Leslie (big fan of Groo…he even has a font in the book whose name is an obscure Groo reference) but even if I didn't, I would still be suggesting you pick up a copy. Since you can't yet order it through his site, you'll have to get it through Amazon, which you can do by clicking here.