The Art of Burley-Q

I love the look and feel of old, classic burlesque. Never got to actually see it, of course, and perhaps if I had, I'd be less a fan of it. But I sure like the artwork, the old photos and what I know of the history, especially of the sketches. It's surprising that in this era of the Pussycat Dolls and other acts that are reviving some version of classic strip-tease dancing, we don't (to my knowledge) have a show like Ann Corio's old This Was Burlesque or any of several touring Minsky revues that re-created a night in a real burlesque house. So you'll have to settle for the lovely silk-screened posters that my longtime friend Bruce Simon is now issuing over at his Burlesque Image website. They look great…but then, how could anything with Blaze "Miss Spontaneous Combustion" Starr on it not look great?