My pal Larry Steller inexplicably calls himself "Mr. Grooism" and operates his own weblog. Reading the Julius Schwartz obit I linked to in the Telegraph, Larry noticed something that went right by me. It was this line…
Julius Schwartz was born in the Bronx, New York, on June 19 1915, and educated at Hebrew school where he was awarded a gold watch presented by the then Governor of New York, Eleanor Roosevelt.
Eleanor Roosevelt was the Governor of New York? No, she wasn't. Her hubby was. And I just looked it up and noted a tiny flaw in Julie's tale of receiving a watch from the wife of the then-governor in 1928. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected Governor of New York in 1928 but didn't take office until 1929. So maybe Roosevelt wasn't yet Governor or he was Governor-elect when Julie got the watch. Or maybe Julie got it the following year. But I'll bet you the part about him getting a watch from Eleanor Roosevelt was true…even if she wasn't the Governor.