I've had a nice e-mail exchange with Bill Stosin, the gent who used my posting here in a letter to the Washington Times. (It also made it into his hometown paper, The Daily Iowan. Here's a link to the page.)
No writer likes to see his work appear with someone else's name on it, but it's not like this is the first time this has happened to me. Or the worst. Anyway, I've decided to grant him retroactive permission for this one. If anyone else wants to crib something from this page, please write and ask. If it's for a good cause, I'll probably say yes.
Also, I should mention: I screwed up my mail server this afternoon so for about three hours, if you sent me an e-mail it did get to me but you received a "bounce" message that said it didn't. I am weeks behind on e-mail so the response may be the same as if I didn't receive it.