My apologies. I prepared a reminder the other day about this but I just plain forgot to post it. As you doubtlessly know, Fantagraphics Books will soon be issuing Volume 1 of The Complete Peanuts, a year-by-year reprinting of Mr. Schulz's classic newspaper strip. It will take many years and cost mucho money to get them all but I can't imagine it not being more than worth it. Many Peanuts strips have never been republished anywhere, especially from the first few years when Schulz was still doping out his characters and finding his style. We'll all get to watch that style mature and the characters develop, and that alone should be worth the price.
The reason I wish I'd posted this yesterday is that Fantagraphics was offering free shipping on the first book if you ordered (as I did) before February 1. But it's still a bargain. Order here. It ships in one month.