Iowa Stubborn

Among the Democratic candidates for prez, I have no favorites. Kerry, Clark, Dean, Gephardt, Kucinich, Edwards…it doesn't matter to me just as long as it isn't Lieberman. I'd like to see Al Sharpton do well enough in the primaries to keep him in the race until the convention, but only because he's the only one of those guys I really enjoy hearing speak. (There's nothing racial about this but I felt that way about Alan Keyes in the last election. Since I knew he had no chance to win, I could enjoy hearing an articulate, passionate speaker. I didn't agree with much of what he had to say but it was more fun to listen to him than some boring, pandering guy who mouthed all the right, poll-tested buzzwords.)

The best thing about putting the Iowa Caucuses behind us is that we no longer have to listen to reporters trying to convince us the Iowa Caucuses are that important. The worst thing is that from here on, when someone says that either Bush or the Democrat can't possibly win, we can't remind them how silly it is to project a winner before one single vote has been cast. Now, some people have actually voted. I guess that's a step in the right direction but let's not pretend this part really matters much. Unless you're Dick Gephardt.