Dave on a Roll

Here's what Mr. Letterman was talking about last night on his show. The graphic below appeared on the CBS website for the last week or so, plugging Sunday night's People's Choice Awards.

As you can see, it shows the smiling face of Jay Leno who, along with Dave, was nominated in the Best Talk Show category. So was Oprah Winfrey, who won. Dave did a funny rant last evening about Jay's face appearing on the CBS website, demanding that some high-ranked CBS exec call him to apologize. The exec was supposed to also tell him that the person responsible had been fired, but was not supposed to actually fire that individual. Shortly afterwards, Les Moonves (the highest-rank exec at CBS, at least in Programming) called to apologize and tell Dave that the person responsible had been fired. Then, shortly after Letterman taped, the graphic on the CBS site changed as follows…

I will put aside a slight suspicion that the version with Dave's face was prepared in advance. They apparently got it changed in time to edit a shot of it into the show before it aired on the East Coast…but okay, maybe someone at the CBS website was working late and very facile. Legit or not, it was funny. I'm a little tired of Letterman's attitude towards Leno and network execs but this was funny.