Walt's Website

I guess it's been there for a while but I just discovered the online Walt Disney Family Museum, which is kind of an introduction to the man himself. It's run by his family and is filled with rare photos and memorabilia, and you'll want to check out the page of video clips. The ones from the movies are all stuff you've seen before but you might enjoy the clips of Walt himself talking about Disneyland, the Disney TV show and especially the one about Epcot. And while we're at it, a website has been set up at SaveDisney to try and rally support for, I guess, some sort of hostile or benign takeover (however one looks at it) that would unseat the person and business practices of Michael Eisner and install Roy E. Disney in the catbird seat. I suspect Mr. Eisner's continuance with the company is based wholly on how the stock performs for its stockholders, but appeals to tradition and company pride are never out of line.