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I mistyped when I wrote, "Rumor has it that we will see a Charles Schulz stamp before long." Yes, I know you can't be on a stamp until you've been dead for ten years — U.S. presidents, excepted. What I should have written was, "Rumor has it that we will see a Charles Schulz stamp as soon as enough time has passed." In this case, that would be in the year 2010. As my pal Tom Galloway noted in an e-mail, there could be a Charlie Brown or Snoopy stamp before that time, just as there have been Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck stamps. But such a stamp couldn't have a likeness of Schulz on it.

And someone who signs his name simply "Brian" reminds me that the Andy Warhol stamp was an Andy Warhol self-portrait.

Another pal, Larry Steller, suggests I make it clear to you that there are two new Looney Tunes DVDs out — a four-disc set and a two-disc set. All of the cartoons on the two-disc set are on the four-disc set. So you don't want to buy the two-disc set. You want to buy the four-disc set, which you can do by clicking here.