Time to Spend Money!

I've just ordered my copy of the new Looney Tunes DVD set from Amazon, and you can do the same thing by clicking here. Knowing you, I presume you'll want one because from all reports, it's an excellent presentation of the material, and we all know how wonderful the material is. I also know you'll want this, the four DVD set, as opposed to the two DVD set that's also being released and which only has half the cartoons on it. The line-up of chosen cartoons is pretty good.

Matter of fact, the main complaint I've heard about it is that they picked films that are so good, they're shown constantly to the point where some of us are sick of them. (I have a personal rule: I don't attend any cartoon festival where they're showing What's Opera, Doc? It's not that it's not a fine cartoon but for about two decades, it was a rare program of cartoons that did not include it, usually as the finale. I once attended a Betty Boop fest, secure in the knowledge that it would all be Max Fleischer shorts animated three thousand miles from the WB Cartoon Studio and — sure enough — the host came out and announced, "In addition to some great Betty Boop cartoons, we have a bonus for you tonight." The minute he said that, I knew: What's Opera, Doc? Had to be…and it was. I don't think it's as wonderful as some other cartoons Chuck Jones directed and and even if it were the best, enough is enough. I don't need another viewing…I can see it in my sleep and hear Elmer's voice echoing, "Kill da wabbit," deep in my eustachian tubes.

Blessedly, What's Opera, Doc? is not in this new DVD release…but I'll bet it's in the next one.) Anyway, I would have preferred some more obscure shorts but I understand: The better this release sells, the more likely it is that someone at Warner Home Video will say, "Hey, we've got to release all our cartoons on DVD," which is probably inevitable but it would be nice if they got on with it. So once again, here's the link to order yours. And make sure you watch Early to Bet, which is on Disc Four, and which is among my favorite WB cartoons that we aren't all sick of seeing.