Happy Birthday, Nick Cardy!

Nick Cardy is one of the great comic book illustrators of all time. Has anyone ever drawn a handsomer hero than his Aquaman? A sexier heroine than his Wonder Girl? I think not. If you doubt me, you can see many examples of Nick's fine work over at his website.

Nick turned 83 a few days ago. I just called him to wish him at least 83 more, and we had a long, lovely chat because Nick loves to talk. (The first time I interviewed him on a convention panel, he was nervous before. He kept saying, "I can't speak in public…what am I going to say? You'll have to ask a lot of questions to get anything out of me." As I've learned, this is a sure sign that the person is going to start talking and, much to the audience's delight, not shut up. Went through this with Nick. Went through it with Will Elder. Went through it with Al Williamson. When they say that, I know they don't need me there.)

Anyway, Happy Eighty-Third to Nick Cardy, renderer of Aquaman, Teen Titans, Bat Lash, Congo Bill, Tomahawk and so many more. What a fine gentleman.