Radio Days

My pal Paul Harris does a fine talk radio/interview show Monday through Friday on station KTRS, which is 550 on your dial if you're in or around St. Louis. You can find online audio excerpts of his best celebrity interviews at this site, along with his weblog and lots of other fun stuff. Not long ago, I chatted with him about my book on MAD Magazine, Mad Art, and he's replaying that conversation on Monday as he takes a rare day off. (My segment is scheduled to air at 12:35 PM Central Time, but I think you can also find it on Paul's site and listen to it any time you want.)

Also, on the Thursday edition of All Things Considered on N.P.R., another pal is interviewed. Joe Bevilacqua is a radio producer and performer who studied with the late, great Daws Butler and has recently co-edited this book of sketches that Daws wrote for his legendary voice acting classes. Some time during the All Things Considered hour, there'll be eight minutes with Joe discussing Daws and the book.

Which brings us to the question of how you're going to listen to these shows. Lately, I've been playing around with and generally enjoying Replay Radio, which is a piece of computer software that functions like TiVo for the recording of Internet radio feeds. If you have a good, swift 'net connection, you can set Replay Radio to record any channel that you can access at the time you want it to record. It will make an MP3 or WAV file or even burn the recording right to a CD if you like. A list of shows is built into it, as is a list of Internet addresses for channels, but you can set it for any radio station for which you can find a web address. A demo version of the software can be downloaded from their site. It will only record five minute hunks but it'll give you the idea and let you see if it's compatible with your system. Once you register, which costs thirty bucks, you can record broadcasts and webcasts of up to four hours. There's also an add-on piece of software that will you let you listen to these recordings easily on a Pocket PC. So far, it's working fine for me.