I was spectacularly unimpressed with Howard Dean last night on Mr. Leno's program. Politicians go on a show like that, well aware that they need to be glib and funny and human, and I suppose he did that part okay. But they also need to be able to get a tad serious there for a time and slip in one or two genuine points about what's wrong with our nation and how they have a real plan on how to rectify it. And I'm afraid Dr. Dean didn't make that leap. Even when he tried to get to issues, he sounded lightweight and (worse) generic. Years ago, I wrote a piece about political humor that said a presidential candidate couldn't be considered a serious contender unless political cartoonists like Paul Conrad could draw the guy. Now, the benchmark may be that you have to be able to imagine Saturday Night Live finding a cast member who can "do" him. If not, the person may be too nondescript and lacking in charisma to get elected, and that's been my view of Howard Dean, so far.
Meanwhile, Joshua Micah Marshall has conducted this interesting interview with General Wesley Clark. I don't know yet if he's the man but if he can sound this informed and interesting in front of an audience, maybe. Just maybe.