TiVo Stuff

In the past, I've complained about networks not starting their shows precisely on time, thereby screwing things up for those of us who record via VCR or TiVo. If you have a TiVo, you've probably just received this lovely on-screen notice…

NBC is airing shows on Thursday evenings with non-standard start times and lengths. If you have a Season Pass for one or more shows during primetime on Thursday, you should check your To Do list, Recording History, and Season Pass Manager to make sure your programs are recorded. Check your viewers guide or www.tivo.com/support for more information on these features.

NBC is playing dirty pool here. E.R. Thursday night starts not at 10 PM but at 9:59. They're figuring, I guess, that when the show before it ends, you'll be hooked on E.R. before you have the chance to change channels. But of course what they're also doing is making it difficult for you to record a show on another channel (like CSI) that ends at 10:00. Friends runs from 8:00 to 8:48, followed by Will and Grace from 8:48 to 9:27, which will screw up people who have a VCR that sets record times in five-minute increments.

I don't watch any of these programs but I've often gotten burned by shows not starting and stopping as scheduled. This morning's airing of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart started early so my TiVo recording lost the first minute or so. A couple of times, I've recorded a movie or an episode of something and when I watch it, I find that it's actually longer than the scheduled time and that I didn't get the ending.

If there's any ratings advantage to playing these games, I would think it would be small and more than offset by viewer annoyance. I think all the TV networks should get together and pledge to air shows (live events, excepted) at the advertised times and on the half-hour. And while they're at it, they ought to all agree to go back to credits you can read without splitting the screen to stick in advertising.