A Website Well Worth Watching

I always enjoy a visit to Jim Hill Media, a fun site devoted to cartoons — primarily Disney but others, as well. You'll find a lot to read there but I'd like to recommend…

  • A report on the recent ASIFA tribute to the late 'n' great Daws Butler. I was unable to make it to the evening, which was also a kick-off party for a new book of scripts that Daws wrote for his acting workshops. (You can order the book over here on Joe Bev's Daws Butler website, by the way.)
  • My old pal Jim Korkis was once commissioned to author a history of the American comic book. It didn't get printed then so he's serializing it here. Here's a link to the first part.
  • Jim Korkis also authored this piece about Walt Disney and his appearance before the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
  • The story of how Splash Mountain at Disneyland came to be.

Since the site uses frames, some of those links may not work in all browsers. But if you go to the site's front page, you should be able to find those articles (and much more you'll enjoy) from there.