Al Franken's new book is riding comfortably atop the Best Seller lists, put there in part by folks who are buying it as a way of giving the finger to Bill O'Reilly and Fox News. I just got around to ordering my copy from Amazon, and of course I have a link here that you can use to do likewise and give this site its paltry commission. I didn't buy mine because of Fox News, though that is a perfectly fine reason. I bought mine because I just learned that in addition to the usual Franken "gotchas," this top-selling volume features the cartooning talents of Don Simpson. As I've mentioned here before, Don is one of my favorite cartoonists. Always liked his steroid-crazed super-hero, Megaton Man. Always liked his other imaginative cartoons. Can't imagine he doesn't have some wonderful work in Mr. Franken's successful tome. Here's a link to an article about how Don got such a high-profile gig. I'll write more about the book and him once I get my copy.