One of the best political-type websites I've found (and certainly the sanest) is Spinsanity. On it, three very smart gents take apart various news items, speeches and commentaries that fudge or distort the facts. They're very fair about this, going after Democrats as well as Republicans, and Conservatives as well as Liberals, and doing it in a fine, well-researched and non-inflammatory manner. I've been recommending this site for a long time and will continue to do so. So you might as well visit there.
This evening, I was honored to break bread (pasta, actually) with one of its editors, Ben Fritz, whom I met via e-mail exchanges. We talked about politics and the Internet and comic books and how dumb Fox News looks for suing Al Franken and all sorts of things. He's a bright guy and I wanted to use the occasion to plug Spinsanity again and also to direct you to another website in which he is involved. Dateline Hollywood showcases Ben's sillier side. There, he and partner Gil Cunha bring you the latest in phony Show Biz Gossip. Phony Show Biz Gossip is just the same as Real Show Biz Gossip except that it's more accurate. Or as a writer for one of the tabloids once told me, "I believe 70% of everything I read about Hollywood, including the stuff I make up out of nowhere."