More Quik Thoughts

I didn't mean to imply that the Quik Bunny was only invented when Quik turned into Nesquik. He's been around for a while. He even teamed up with Superman in a 1987 promotional comic, the cover of which is at left. This leads to intriguing speculations. There are few famous names, real or fictional, who who have not met Superman or at least met some other character who has met Superman. It's kind of like the Kevin Bacon game. Since Muhammad Ali, Albert Einstein, Adolf Hitler and John F. Kennedy all met Superman in one comic or another, they all must live in the same universe as the Quik Bunny. For that matter, I was once a character in an issue of Flash, and since Flash has met Superman, I live in the same universe as the Quik Bunny and if you've met me, so do you. It's one big happy reality.

And I probably shouldn't pick on the Quik Bunny, if only because his voice was — and still is, for all I know — supplied by a terrific actor named Barry Gordon, who was a rock of integrity when he was president of the Screen Actors Guild. Come to think of it, this means that everyone who was ever a member of SAG has a connection to the Quik Bunny and through him to Superman. Small world, ain't it?