Herb Trimpe is a lovely man who drew for Marvel for years, primarily on The Hulk. I would like to direct you to four pieces relating to him. This link goes to Herb's own website, which doesn't have all that much up yet but is worth a visit. This link goes to a recent interview, which is very interesting once it gets going, especially his comments on the Hulk movie. This link goes to an article that Herb wrote for The New York Times about how his career in comics ended due to apparent ageism…
And this link is the real find, though it has nothing to do with the Hulk. Proving himself a greater super-hero than any he drew, Herb pitched in after the 9/11 tragedies and worked at Ground Zero for the Red Cross. I heard him speak of this over dinner last year and was fascinated and moved, and you'll understand why when you read this piece. Even the non-comics folks who come here should check it out.