This is about the time every year I start to fantasize that they'll announce the Comic-Con in San Diego is being postponed for two weeks. Everything and everyone in my life revolves around getting this or that done "before the con" and you start to look at everything on your To Do List in terms of, "Can this wait until after the con?" My list is pretty long, they're not likely to delay the con, and yesterday's power outage made things worse…so posting here will be light for the next week or so. Forgive me. If you have nothing better to do, just poke around. There's gotta be stuff here you haven't read.
The full schedule of events for the convention is up, by the way. You might think you don't need to consult it since you'll be going to all my panels. But there are a few moments when I'm not running some great, fascinating event…so take a look over there and figure out what you want to do with that time.
I'm not putting up the Campbell's Cream of Mushroom right now because I will be posting for the next week. Just not as often as I like. Normal content should resume after I get back from S.D.