I haven't seen a copy yet but The Groo Odyssey is out now. It's another collection of old Groo stories by Sergio Aragonés and Yours Truly — four of them, done back when we were published by Marvel/Epic. (We did ten solid years of monthly issues for them — all produced on schedule by Sergio, letterer Stan Sakai and myself, almost all colored by Tom Luth — and I still sometimes hear people say, "Creator-owned comics never come out on time.") Anyway, if you like what we do, you can buy this book from Amazon by clicking here. If you've never tried Groo, you can buy this book from Amazon by clicking in the same place. And if you have tried Groo and don't like it…well, what can I say? You're young. You'll learn. Meanwhile, over at his webpage, Bill Sherman gives us a nice review and wonders why this volume doesn't contain the traditional silly text page by me. I'm kinda wondering the same thing at the moment.
And to answer a Frequently-Asked Question: There is no announced release date for the next Groo mini-series, but we're starting to work on it now. Once I know when it's coming out, you'll know. Thank you.