You find the darnedest things up for sale on "The World's Online Marketplace." An auction house is currently selling the 1929 Caerulia, which was the yearbook for Polytechnic High School in Long Beach, California. This is of interest because one of the graduates therein was Lindley Armstrong Jones, who would later be world-famous as either the funniest bandleader in the business or the most musical comedian, Spike Jones. That's his class picture there, back from the days he marched in the school band (he was the drum major) without firing a single pistol shot.
I love old Spike Jones records, radio shows and TV programs and have avidly collected them for many years. He was a very funny man and when it came to music, he really knew what he was doing. But I'm not bidding on his yearbook. Some artifacts are too trivial, even for me.