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I have a new book, Wertham Was Right, coming in July from the fine folks at TwoMorrows Books. This is a follow-up to last year's Comic Books and Other Necessities of Life, which was a collection of columns I wrote for the Comics Buyer's Guide. The new book is more of the same. Some of the articles have been heavily revised since their initial publication and a few have never been published anywhere, including the title article. In it, I argue that Dr. Fredric Wertham, noted foe of the comic book industry in the fifties, was not completely responsible for the Comics Code and the wholesale censorship of the Art Form, nor was he completely wrong in all that he wrote. Some things, yes — but not everything.

There are also articles in there about Bob Kane, Gil Kane, The Fox and the Crow, Sergio appearing on QVC, the screwy way in which comic books are numbered, and other topics that will interest anyone who's interested in comics. None of the pieces in either book is available for reading on this website but there are others that will give you a little taste of the kind of thing I write when I write about comics.

You can advance-order Wertham Was Right by clicking on that name…and while you're at it, order a copy of Comic Books and Other Necessities of Life if you don't have one, or even if you do. End of plug.