Game Show Network ran the first part of the infamous Michael Larson win this morning on Press Your Luck. Larson, you'll recall, is the guy who figured out how to beat that show's game board for more than $100,000 and forced them — for the one and only time — to spread a game out over two consecutive shows. This was done via some sloppy but unavoidable editing which, in its own way, contributed to the sense that Larson really caught the show (and CBS) off-guard. If you'd like to watch the second half as it originally aired, it's on tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 5:30 AM East Coast, 8:30 Pacific. Almost all of the footage was used in that documentary that GSN aired a few months ago but this'll give you a better sense of how stunned everyone was. [Caution: If you don't know the whole story or don't know how the game is played, you may not understand what's going on.]